Monday, November 3

Hope Floats

"If we can not end now our differences,at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.
-John F. Kennedy


Alicia @ Oh2122 said...


But jealous of your sign. Mine is not all round and cool...

Cthings said...

That is pretty cool sign!! I will be voting for sure!

Sweet Olive Press | Helen said...

This could be the start of something wonderful.... Go Obama!

High Desert Diva said...

Vote, vote, vote!

Excellent quote

Banana-head Pancake said...


Great sign!

Anonymous said...

i love the sign.

Sherry said...

Our Obama sign was stolen in the last few minutes. I walked up the block and around the corner. All 19 Obama signs gone. 2 McCain signs remain.

lesley said...

i just voted... yay!

who would steal your obama sign? that is just childish - and it's not going to affect the outcome of the vote!

Waterrose said...

Kennedy was so quotable. It always seemed he was not only talking about the present, but also reaching into the future.