Monday, January 10

George Clooney is watching

I did not think any news story could make my heart sing like the release of Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi, but this just might be the one.
The eyes of the world are on the Sudan as January's referendum on independence makes a new round of atrocities likely. This time the world will be watching. Clooney and John Prendergast ( who has 25 years of experience in Africa) have a plan for accountability. Why not, Clooney asks, " work out some sort of a deal to spin a satellite" above the Sudan and let the world watch and see what happens?
The Satellite Sentinel Project is about to go live. Harvard University, The UN, and The Enough Project* along with private funds Clooney has raised, have hired private satellites to monitor troop movements. I hope to have a website link for you in a few days.
It will remind the leaders of northern and southern Sudan they are being watched. Clooney said, " We are the antigenocide paparazzi." He wants them to enjoy the level of celebrity attention he usually gets. If you know your actions are going to be covered, you tend to behave differently than when you operate covertly.
Can you imagine if satellites had been in El Salvador, or Auschwitz or Iraq? Countries, presidents, citizens who do not choose to act cannot say they didn't know. The whole world will be watching.
I think this is brilliant. I pray that it works. I pray for peace.
* The Enough Project is the human rights arm of the Center for American Progress.


Rebecca said...

What a perfectly logical yet amazing idea! You are so right... what if others could watch as a government or leader makes choices and acts? Weren't many of us taught as children, "Be careful what you do. You never know who'll be watching?" Thanks for this post, Sherry. And I'm praying for peace right alongside you.

Sherry said...

You know Rebecca, I am a strong advocate for personal privacy, but somehow this just seemed right to me too.

It also seems like most of the Western World is caught up in the "unimportant" and this just might shine a light on.


Felice Luftschein said...

That is so awesome and interesting.i am so curious to see what sort of publicity it will get.
oh- and I'm so glad you are blogging again.You are always interesting.Maybe I'll get off my butt an start again.