Friday, January 23


I've been thinking alot about multitasking, and it is a misnomer. It's something many of us try to do; talk on the phone and push the baby in the carraige, make dinner while helping our kids with homework, using the internet while cooking dinner....oh, the lists go on.

But, you never get to live in the moment. If you are not fully present in the moment, it manifests itself in not so kind ways. Pasty skin, fatigue, excess cortisol and most of all stress. When your brain is not allowed to complete singular tasks, you live in a state of low level anxiety. It's not really living, it's just moving from one set of things to another.

It's a hard habit to break. It means less things get done. It's a work in progress for me. But since my headache from cutting out white sugar has finally gone away, I'm up for a new challenge. I'll let you know how it goes, but so far, so good.

How about you?


High Desert Diva said...

Living in the moment...something to aspire to...

Pretty Things said...

I'm suffering big time from it -- so trying to do a short-list approach, writing down a few things that I NEED to get done and doing one at a time, not allowing anything else to get on that list, or be done, until I've finished the one.

connie said...

You commented about my quiet time on my blog. I am getting to live in the moment for the first time since I had children. I think there are some good things about an empty nest. I miss my kids being here daily but I am also just loving hearing about their adventures and they are having some great ones. I do count my blessings but I do miss the hugs I used to get from my son (he is a freshman in college).

I love your work!!!! I visited you esty shop. Great work.........

jeweledrabbit said...

I've been sitting here "multitasking" for the past seven hours, and getting pretty much nothing accomplished.

Joan Piwowar said...

I have awarded you the Lemonade award for your blog because it shows an attitude of gratitude, uplifting and has good content. Pick it up at:

jeweledrabbit said...

I forgot to tell you yesterday that the necklace pictured in this post is beautiful.

petapledger said...

Firstly, the necklace in this post is so pretty.

Thank you for posting this, since leaving my "day job" to have a baby and to persue 'the label' full time, I feel that I have missed out on more in the last two years, than I did when I was working full time - New Year, New Attitude.

Thank you for this post. x

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Sometimes I hate my multi-tasking abilities. I look forward to the day when I allow myself to slow down.

shoshonasnow said...

"you live in a state of low level anxiety"

EXACTLY!!! This is my life. And I'm trying REALLY hard to change it.

Sherry said...

Wow, this really struck a chord, didn't it?

I used to pride myself on doing a lot of things at once. Ridiculous.

And, then I realized to, that anxiety had become a sort of normal for me, and I vowed to change it.

I'll post more about this again, as we all strive to slow down a little bit!

Julie Boyles Journals and Books said...

What you say is very true, and I've never thought of it this way! My husband would say, "See I told you!"
He is definitely NOT a multi tasker!
I'm going to give this some more thought. Thank you for the idea!

Beadin By The Sea said...

You've definitely given me "food for thought" as I try to multi task through my day. I get so distracted when I have a lot of little things to do and yes, it does cause low level anxiety! I'll have to try and be more like more husband who can only do "one thing at a time"; what a great blessing to have such focus!