Thursday, December 18

Top of the World

I've sent off dozens and dozens of map pendants and cuff links in the past few weeks. I am touched beyond words to be a small part of these life changing moments. Cuff links to celebrate an anniversary, a wedding, pendants to celebrate a birth and an adoption in a far away land.

When you are an artist and you work alone, stories like these make you realize the world is a small place after all. May all these stories weave a blanket of peace around us all.


High Desert Diva said...

Nice to know what the gifts are for...

Michelle said...

I understand that, I love doing wine charms for wedding parties and stuff like that. With each charm being personalized it is almost as if I get to know that person just a tiny bit.

Waterrose said...

It's wonderful to touch people's lives in little ways. Sometimes I think about my creations and 50 years out and wonder where they will be and who will be cherishing them.

Happy holidays to you and your family!

Mary Richmond said...

well said, sherry! i love that my work is a part of so many people's daily lives. it's a fun string/web to think about on days when ambition is low and inspiration seems far away. my daughter loves her necklace and wears it all the time!