But, first a short story about love. In 1967 Mildred Jeter and Richard Loving got married in Washington, DC. When they went home to Virginia, they were arrested for miscegenation. You see Mildred was black and Richard was white. The trial judge said, that if "God wanted the races to mix, he wouldn't have seperated them." The case finally made it's way to the Supreme Court as Loving vs. Virginia.
The Supreme Court unanimously overturned the convictions, stating, "marriage is one of the basic civil rights of man, fundamental to our very existence and survival."
Fast forward to 2008. A state court gave imprimatur to same- sex marriage in June, but Prop 8 defeated that in November. Money talked. Millions were donated by Mormons and the Knights of Columbus who said they were doing God's bidding. Seriously.
But you see, this too will be overturned. That's why God invented courts and civil liberty. The gay and lesbian community will move one step forward and two steps back, until they reach the Supreme court with their own Loving vs. Virginia.
Anna Quindlen, found a quote by Mildred Loving, who once had the police burst into her bedroom, and is now a mother and grandmother, "I believe", she said, "all Americans, no matter their race, no matter their sex, no matter their sexual orientation, should have the same freedom to marry, That's what Loving and loving are all about."
I wouldn't mess with Mildred.
Very well said...by you and Mildred.
Hear, hear.
Nicely said.
Beautiful post and thanks for the reminder that this is, in fact, a human rights issue-not a "gay rights" issue.
Wonderful post, Sherry.
oops, I left my comment on the wrong post :)
Wonderful post; it is definitely a human rights issue. And I'd be thrilled to continue advertising with you via Project Wonderful if you decide to bring it back.
I'm not easily intimidated, and welcome dissent, but hate-speak is another matter all together. So, don't leave another comment on my blog, as my friend Jodie said, start your own.
I deleted my ad boxes because I didn't think it was fair to subject my fellow artists to comments like I deleted. However much to my delight, they have been supportive without exception.
The world does not cease to amaze me, I just don't think we've come as far as we might think.
Just saw a great video on Jenn's blog re: Prop 8:
You are so awesome Sherry! I love the way you are always able to say thing so eloquently!
Very nicely said. Here in Florida the same amendment made it onto our ballot and was also passed. I hope with our new president we can get away from some of this "religious right" which I think is actually so very wrong. I just found your etsy shop and think I may need one of those lego necklaces - too cute!
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